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Kort action chain, som kan lave et kort break midt i lektionen. Tag tid og lav den igen næste gang for at se om eleverne har forbedret sig

Publiceret Senest opdateret


Denne artikel er flyttet fra en tidligere version af folkeskolen.dk, og det kan medføre nogle mangler i bl.a. layout, billeder og billedbeskæring, ligesom det desværre ikke har været teknisk muligt at overføre eventuelle kommentarer under artiklen.

When the teacher says begin, you must say hello.

When someone says hello, you must stand up.

When somebody stands up, you must go to the window.

When someone goes to the window, you must knock 3 times on the door.

When someone knocks 3 times on the door, you must answer come in.

When someone says come in, you must open the door.

When someone opens the door, you must clap your hands 5 times.

When someone claps, you must scream “shit”.

When someone scream shit, you must sit on the table.

When someone sits on the table, you must write fuck on the blackboard.

When someone writes fuck on the blackboard, you must put your chair on the table.

When someone puts his/her chair on the table, you must put the chair back down.

When someone puts the chair back down, you must open a window.

When someone opens a window, you must clean the blackboard.

When someone cleans the blackboard, you must sing happy birthday to you.

When someone sings Happy birthday to you, you must say it’s not my birthday.

When someone says it’s not my birthday, you must yell Happy New Year.

When someone yells Happy New Year, you must jump up and down.

When somene jumps up and down, you must say stop jumping.

When someone says stop jumping, you must close the door.

When someone closes the door, you must put your bag on the table.

When someone puts the bag on the table, you must yell stop the time.