8.c på en aktivitetsdag i juni, hvor klassen efter et langt forår hjemme foran skærmen måtte være sammen igen. Siden december har de ligesom resten af skoledanmark igen haft undervisning foran hjemmeskærmen.

Elevers digte om håb under pandemien blæste lærer bagover: Læs selv digtene

Engelsklærer Jytte Irene Møller fik sig en oplevelse, hun sent glemmer. På blot en time havde hendes elever skrevet og fremført digte om deres håb i denne tid. Digtene rørte hende dybt.



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Det var fredag eftermiddag. Klokken havde nået 13.45, så der var kun 45 minutter til, at weekenden ville give elever og lærer skærmfri.

Engelsklærer Jytte Irene Møller var selv ved at være godt skærm-mør. Men den træthed forduftede totalt, da eleverne fra 8.c en efter en fremførte selvformulerede digte over Google Meet, de havde haft den foregående time til at formulere.

"Jeg bliver helt blown-away, og jeg tror bare, at jeg siger 'what'. De var så fine, og jeg blev virkelig rørt. Og eleverne griner bare ad mig, fordi jeg reagerer så voldsomt", fortæller engelsklærer Jytte Irene Møller, som underviser på Gammelgaardsskolen i Åbyhøj ved Aarhus.

Ideen kom pludseligt  

Hjemme foran skærmene var klassen i gang med et tema om britisk og amerikansk kultur. Her havde klassen netop arbejdet med den 22-årige digter Amanda Gormans tale ved Joe Bidens præsidentindsættelse. Eleverne skulle selv prøve at fremføre hendes digt, der tog verden med storm.

"Under oplæsningen fik jeg den tanke at give elevernes egne håb en lyrisk stemme. Hvad håbede de på? Hvordan havde de det egentlig? De fik en time til at producere lyrik i helt fri form. Der måtte rimes eller ej. Og så skulle de dele deres digte med klassen og mig", fortæller Jytte Irene Møller.

Hun er så imponeret over digtene, at hun spurgte eleverne, om hun måtte dele digtene med omverdenen.

"De fortjener at blive læst af flere. Det er stærke og ærlige. De viser integritet og overskud på en baggrund af oplevelser med ensomhed, afstand og absurditet. De unge udtrykker håb". 

"Så værsgo. Læn jer tilbage og nyd ungdommens stemme", lyder det fra Jytte Irene Møller:

Hey folks. Today is the day, today you and me, have survived the corona epidemi in. I don't know? Anyhow a very long time, so long that I can't remember.  But at least… YOU and THE ENTIRE WORLD, have saved things that you can not  see with the naked eye. Perhaps you don't know this but, you have saved lives.

And lives means people all around the planet earth.

And so does the planet around you.

The planet protects you and is your helper against coronavirus and all its mutation friends.

The corona times have been bad. But don't forget that the corona virus has been good in some cases. For example the climate. Because of the corona there hasn't been that much travel around the world. People loved to travel around in airplanes and fog, and other ways of travelling. The Corona epidemic has put an end to that. Before the corona time, it was all about to run off completely. The poles melted and many animals were on the verge of extinction. The corona epidemic has put an end to that. So always see something on the bright side.



we can finally see light in the room which was once dark

a room which has never seen light before

we have fought

we have lost

but now we can see a glimpse of light

It's beautiful

it tells us that there is hope after all

hope that we are equal

Because a word that lived black and white

has now experienced color

experienced life in different ways

equal or not

we need to live now

but it's also important to learn from the past

to learn about people

and life in different shades

and to be different

once it was forbidden

only people brave enough went against the wall

and created freedom

and justice

now the world has seen light

now the world has seen colors in all kind of shades

but there isn't fully peace yet

because some are still fighting

fore their rights

rights that everyone should have

so fight with us

for color

for light 


Coronavirus, the worst disease in our history,

That was once a mystery,

A disease killing lives,

And spreading offly many negative vibes,

The whole world came into lockdown,

An what we saw was people drown,

in the stress of their business shutting down,

Started in China, now, the world is sick,

Let us find a cure quick,

Online school that drives us crazy,

Now we have become lazy,

Symptoms that made us senseless,

The Corona-virus makes us feel defenseless,

Don't go to crowded places,

But if you do, cover ur faces,

Wash ur hand with soap,

That would be pretty dope,

Visit a doctor if you need care,

Now, just make others, all aware.


In a time where we don't acknowledge the truth

There is nothing right

Everything is just a shadow

In a foggy land

In a foggy world

We act in our emotions

Our feelings


We judge each other

After what we are

And not according to

Who we are

Our appearance is all we are

But where is the truth

Where is the justice

Where is the luck and happiness

In this endless shadow


The light is out

The land of hope is burned

How do we find light in this time

We have to be bold


And fierce

Jump out

From the tallest mountain

Climb The deepest crater

The hope is inside us

Every human is hope

For the future


Every dream and act today

Will help us tomorrow

At last the shadow is relieved

If we just dream for better times

And act for better times

With audacity to hope

We will defeat the injustice


We can imagine what we want

And what we will do

But it isn't  perfect

Our dreams can't be our real life

But we can constantly think about it

And that will make a difference

Because hope and dreams are important

It's important for me and you

And it's important for all people in the world


With hope and dreams

With sun and rainbows

With each other

Hand in hand

Standing tall

The future is bright


It's not the same anymore

A lot of things has changed

But we must believe

Better times will come


We used to see people, go to school and have fun

We used to live


We have become scared

Scared of society

Scared of people


It's not the same anymore

We cant see people, go to school or have fun

We can't live


We have learned to stand together

With distance

With love


But better times will come

Keep your head high, your chin up and smile

The future will be bright

Because we will live